"The sensitivity that makes you vulnerable also can give you the ability to know yourself well, to excel, to do great things." Lucind Bassett


"Roberta Shapiro saved my life. She threw me a "life preserver" and swam with me. When the "waters" had all but engulfed me she kept me from drowning. Her wisdom (which she generously continues to share) encouraged and inspired me and fortified me and made me want to move on. Roberta has given me the greatest gift she could have given me-myself." Karen L.

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“I love that you have so many methods of helping people with their problems. Too many times in therapy the problem is defined but there is no useful path to solve the problems. People are taken to the brink with no useful way to proceed. You give the tools to do so. Many, many thanks." Barbara D. New York.

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“When you told me I would feel so much better I didn’t believe it. I thought panic would always run my life. It’s amazing that in spite of my skepticism I was cured, without even believing it was possible." John A.

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"Thank you for your kindness and caring. I believe that is what makes a therapist great; its not just the knowledge and the insights. Its more than that that made me feel so much better, it was knowing you really cared and were really there for me." Jean W.

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"I always felt you really listened and were totally tuned in. Just knowing that helped relieve my anxiety tremendously. Plus, I loved the EMDR. It is an amazing technique. I got rid of memories I thought would always haunt me. Thank you for being so good at it!" Rachel S.

Benefits of Therapy

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 Why psychotherapy with Roberta Shapiro?

Roberta has been in private practice for over twenty years in the South Florida area, working with a large variety of issues, including the whole spectrum of anxiety disorders, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression and marital issues. She has had a great deal of advanced training in a wide spectrum of issues. She took an extra year of training at the University of Miami Alcohol and Drug treatment program. She got the highest level of training in EMDR, becoming certified through her work with Shirley Jean Schmidt, one of the most widely known practitioners in the field.

Most of all, even more than all the training Roberta has received is that the therapy she offers is result oriented, whether for treating excess anxiety, anger management, panic disorder or marital conflicts.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR, and hypnotherapy have all been found extremely efficient and effective in resolving both old and current difficulties.

Research has proven cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy to be as effective or more effective than medication.

Roberta uses the most up to date treatment approaches to help you achieve your goals quickly and efficiently.


EMDR is a new technique for processing disturbing memories that not only helps to “clear them” but also can be incredibly empowering.
It is highly effective for post traumatic stress, phobias, panic attacks, performance anxiety, anger management, stress reduction and anxiety disorders.
Several scientific studies have shown the effectiveness of ease
Please see excellent reading material on this subject on the recommended reading page


Cognitive-behavioral Therapy helps you to change erroneous beliefs and thoughts that have held you back in your life in a variety of ways. As David Burns, author of the New Mood Therapy says, “If you wake up in the morning dreading the day…if you have to force yourself to do anything…if you believe your work worthless…if you wilt under criticism…if you avoid intimate contact because you’re convinced you are unattractive…you will probably benefit from the scientific and revolutionary way of brightening your mood and lifting your spirits without drugs or lengthy therapy.”
Another form of cognitive-behavioal therapy, Schema focused therapy helps to pinpoint the exact area of erroneous beliefs so that you can challenge these old beliefs about yourself and end the negative self talk.
Please see excellent reading material on this subject on the recommended reading page


Relaxation Training or the “relaxation response,” has been found amazingly effective in helping cure both physical and mental ills. It is one of the most useful tools for all anxiety disorders, including general anxiety, panic disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Relaxation training can include hypnosis and/or imagery and visualization. As Newsweek said in a cover story, “Hypnosis can help with problems from anxiety to pain…a growing body of research supports the practice as an effective tool in the treatment of a variety of problems, from anxiety to chronic pain.”
Please see excellent reading material on this subject on the recommended reading page


Roberta Shapiro
4530 Prairie Avenue ▪ Miami Beach, Florida 33140
Tel: (305) 467-0058
E-mail: Robertashapiro305@gmail.com

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